This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.

About the Author

Deeter Neumann is studying genetics as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After obtaining his BS in genetics, Deeter has the career goal of becoming a pharmacist. After completion of Genetics 677 and possessing a better understading of genomics and proteomics , Deeter would like to see genome research and bioinformatics used as a means for tailoring personal therapies for people where conventional medications and practices prove to be insufficient.

Deeter chose to study Burkitt Lymphoma for this project due to his interest in the immune system as well as the ever so popular topic of cancer genetics. He finds the many processes used as defense in the human body fascinating for their range of diverse functions in both exposure and elimination of foreign materials.

In his spare time Deeter enjoys watching movies, listening to music, reading, participating in/watching sports, and spending time with his friends.

Deeter would like to thank everyone in Genetics 677 for making the class enjoyable and special thanks to Dr. Ahna Skop for always showing enthusiasm and passion for her own and others' work.

Image from Campus Photo Library

Contact Info: Deeter Neumann, [email protected], May 14, 2009